Signing Up For Your Account

First, you need to get to the smstorrent home page by typing in in the address bar of your browser

You can get to the sign up page by clicking on the register button at the top bar of the SMSTorrent home page. Alternatively, you can click on the “Sign up here” link at the left part of the home page. The two links are as marked in the image below. Clicking of either of the two leads you to the next page which contains a form of this format.



A form would appear which will request for your details. Correctly fill in your details and click on the submit button.


Click on the 'Submit' button to complete your registration.

Wait for a few seconds and an activation code will be sent to your mobile immediately. This activation code should be keyed in as requested on the next form.


The detailed description of the fields presented in the Sign Up form are given in the table below

Type of Account

This describe the account user type. Two options are available

  1. Individual : This is for individual users 
  2. Organization: This is for corporate bodies or organizations such as companies, Businesses or institutes.

First Name, Last Name

The first name of the user. This is only applicable to individual account type and is a mandatory field (meaning – it must not be left empty while completing the registration form.
The Last Name is also for individual account.

Organization Name

This field applies to the Organizational account. It should be provided with the name of the organization .

e-mail address

The e-mail address of the intending user. An e-mail address can only be used once on our portal because it is used to uniquely identify every user. The address provided here would be the user to log into his account.


A secret string of characters that would be used to authenticate the user at the log in time. The password should be entered a second time to confirm there was no error

Mobile Phone Number

The mobile phone number of the subscribing party. For now, only a GSM phone number can be used. Support for CDMA networks is currently being worked on.

Verification Code

A code presented to verify that the account is being opened by a human being.

Terms and Condition

Service agreement which should be carefully read, understood and agreed with before accepting to utilize the SMS services from this site.




Having done this, your account would be automatically activated and you are redirected to your home page. [Note : if you do not receive your activation code after a significant period of time, you can send a mail to and the code would be manually sent to you.]


A successful account activation will redirect you to your account page. The look and feel of your account page would be as shown below


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